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SaddleBrooke Ranch Pickleball Association
SaddleBrooke Ranch, Oracle, Arizona
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events

For pickleball paddles, apparel
and equipment, click
"Merchandise" above.

Event Registrants

This is a list of registrants for the displayed event
Title: Newbie Orientation
When: Tuesday, September 12, 2023, 4:00 PM until 6:00 PM

Name Type
Todd Boyer Everyone
Wendy Boyer Everyone
Joe Cici Everyone
Kim Denny Everyone
CarolAnn Gregoire Everyone
Kathy Happ Everyone
Linda Kehr Everyone
Michael Kehr Everyone
Charlie Knoedler Everyone
Tracy Knoedler Everyone
Christine Lee Everyone
Gene Lee Everyone
Donna Mabbott Everyone
Jim Marrer Everyone
Kerry Marrer Everyone
Connie Meier Everyone
Dave Meier Everyone
Karin Olavarria Everyone
Bill Olfert Everyone
Pamela Petranovich Everyone
Darla Sidles Everyone
Anna Stefano Everyone
Chris Stefano Everyone
Anne Straton Everyone
Candyce Warren Everyone
Michelle Wells Everyone
Active members: 683 14 Seo 24
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